cacti    cacti/app-password-confirm    password    
# MySQL application password for cacti:
cacti    cacti/mysql/app-pass    password    
cacti    cacti/mysql/admin-pass    password    
cacti    cacti/password-confirm    password    
# MySQL database name for cacti:
cacti    cacti/db/dbname    string    cacti
# Connection method for MySQL database of cacti:
cacti    cacti/mysql/method    select    Unix socket
# Host running the MySQL server for cacti:
cacti    cacti/remote/newhost    string    
# Configure database for cacti with dbconfig-common?
cacti    cacti/dbconfig-install    boolean    true
cacti    cacti/remote/port    string    
cacti    cacti/internal/skip-preseed    boolean    false
# Delete the database for cacti?
cacti    cacti/purge    boolean    false
cacti    cacti/webserver    select    apache2
# Back up the database for cacti before upgrading?
cacti    cacti/upgrade-backup    boolean    true
# Reinstall database for cacti?
cacti    cacti/dbconfig-reinstall    boolean    false
# MySQL username for cacti:
cacti    cacti/db/app-user    string    cacti
cacti    cacti/install-error    select    abort
# Perform upgrade on database for cacti with dbconfig-common?
cacti    cacti/dbconfig-upgrade    boolean    true
cacti    cacti/upgrade-error    select    abort
cacti    cacti/remove-error    select    abort
# Host name of the MySQL database server for cacti:
cacti    cacti/remote/host    select    localhost
# Database type to be used by cacti:
cacti    cacti/database-type    select    mysql
# Deconfigure database for cacti with dbconfig-common?
cacti    cacti/dbconfig-remove    boolean    true
cacti    cacti/mysql/admin-user    string    debian-sys-maint
cacti    cacti/internal/reconfiguring    boolean    false
cacti    cacti/missing-db-package-error    select    abort
cacti    cacti/passwords-do-not-match    error



setlocale(LC_ALL, 'zh_TW.UTF-8');



Poller IntervalEvery Minute Cron IntervalEvery Minute

TemplatesData TemplatesInterface - Traffic Step60 Associated RRA'sHourly (1 Minute Average)


*/5 * * * * www-data php --define suhosin.memory_limit=512M /usr/share/cacti/site/poller.php 2>&1 >/dev/null | if [ -f /usr/bin/ts ] ; then ts ; else tee ; fi >> /var/log/cacti/poller-error.log

UtilitiesSystem UtilitiesRebuild Poller Cache

shell> cd /usr/share/cacti/cli
shell> php -q rebuild_poller_cache.php -d

shell> dpkg --purge javascript-common
shell> apt-get install javascript-common

:books: 參考網站:

shell> esxcli system snmp set -c public
shell> esxcli system snmp set -e yes

CactiConsoleImport Templates

shell> wget -O cacti_esxi_template.02.tar.gz
shell> tar zxvf cacti_esxi_template.02.tar.gz
shell> mkdir /var/lib/cacti/scripts
shell> cd cacte_esxi_template
shell> cp -r scripts /var/lib/cacti
shell> cp -r resource/snmp_queries /usr/share/cacti/resource
  • /var/lib/cacti
  • /usr/share/cacti/resource/snmp_queries

:books: 參考網站:

:books: 參考網站:

CactiConsoleSettingsVisualMaximum Field Length → ~15~ → 30 CactiConsoleGraph TemplatesInterface - Traffic (bits/sec)Title (--title) → ~|host_description| - Traffic~ → |host_description| - Traffic - |query_ifName|

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