產生器 (Generator)

"use strict";
function* gen() {
  yield 1;
  yield 2;
  yield 3;

var g = gen(); // "Generator { }"

console.log(g.next().value); // 1
console.log(g.next().value); // 2
console.log(g.next().value); // 3

Recursion 遞迴

遞迴是一種重要的程式設計技巧,可以使函式呼叫其本身。 階乘計算就是一個例子。 數字之階乘 n 是藉由乘以 1 2 3 *… n 來計算。

"use strict";
let factorial = num => {
// function factorial(num) {
  // If the number is less than 0, reject it.
  if (num < 0) {
    return -1;
  } else if (num == 0) {
    // If the number is 0, its factorial is 1.
    return 1;
  var tmp = num;
  while (num-- > 2) {
    tmp *= num;
  return tmp;

var result = factorial(8);

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